Talk about spices, usually the first time we will remember not the cumin. In fact, one of the Spice ingredients compulsory in India cuisine is not as often as it was used in Indonesia. Lost by his friends, ginger and turmeric.
Cumin seeds have a sweet spice aromas and rich health benefits. In addition, this fragrant spice have also been used as a medicine since the days of yore.
Caraway has more than 100 chemical compounds, such as proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, and saturated fat. Due to the womb that heal, cumin is known widely used to overcome various health problems and skin.
If you want healthy skin and acne free, the best thing you can do is find out the benefits of cumin to the skin--and immediately add them in the daily diet.
Alerts you of the Chicago Tribune, Monday (20/3/2017) the following benefits of cumin to banish pimples and other skin health:
1. Treat and prevent acne
Skin conditions such as acne is usually caused by a foreign object and toxic components, such as microbes, and more. When the toxic components accumulate in the body, your skin will be so vulnerable breakouts.Recommended acne prevention is to add cumin into the food. The reason, caraway contains components such as Thymol, Cuminaldhyde, and phosphorus, which has the effect of detoxification. Take some cumin on a regular basis can help expel toxins from the body.
To treat acne, you just need to mix cumin powder into the Apple vinegar to form a paste. Then apply this paste to the breakouts. Let stand for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
2. Fight against aging
Caraway has benefits against aging due to the content of vitamin E in it. Add the cumin in the daily diet will help prevent premature signs of aging, such as wrinkles, fine lines, and black dots.What's more, cumin-containing antioxidant properties. Therefore, cumin is effective against free radicals which harm the skin and cause aging. Antioxidant and antibacterial properties make an ideal meal so cumin will make you look younger.
3. Accelerating the healing of skin disorders
Not only gives the skin a glowing youthful Sheen, vitamin E in cumin also can heal. In the form of essential oil, cumin is often used as a home remedy that is effective in treating a variety of skin problems, such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, and acne scars.
This is also because caraway antifungi substance and property contains disenfektan. Usage outside of the cumin will help speed up the healing process of the skin.
People often add cumin powder into the face masks to cure some skin problems. Problems or disorders of the skin usually caused by toxins or harmful substance that builds up in the body.