Herbal remedy could be a treatment option for women who want to relieve aches and pains due to menstruation or menstruation.
Herbal medical practitioners Dr. Prapti Utami, M.Si, mention, solution herbal remedies can be used to address the problem of abdominal pain and cramps due to muscle contractions of the uterus when menstruation.
"You can use natural herbal medicine from leaves a footprint of liman, saffron, tamarind, guava leaves," said Dr. Prapti when found at the event Menstrupain, Femine Sangobion Invite Women Indonesia remains active when the Menstruation in Veranda Hotel, Jakarta, Friday (28/4/2017).
Leaves a footprint of liman, he said, grows everywhere. While turmeric is useful to reduce the muscle contractions of the uterus. Tamarind reduces nausea. Guava leaves to make the blood vessels become pliable. This is what makes such herbal menstrual pain will be reduced.