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10 Health Benefits of Lettuce

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Consume vegetables is a good process to maintain good health in the body. However, actually not just for health but also for the beauty that wants to be obtained naturally. So also with the lettuce leaves that have a variety of benefits to health and beauty as well. Properties owned by lettuce this plays an important role as a protector, a natural herb for the deterrent to some risk.

1. Benefits of lettuce leaves for health

To get the benefits of lettuce, you can mengonsumsinya as a vegetable, raw or as fresh vegetables. Fresh green vegetable has a taste that fresh so it is very suitable to be used as side dish anytime, whether it's as a menu of morning, noon until night. This is not just a vegetable consume makes meals more fresh and delicious alone, but there are also improved. As is the case in the seven benefits of lettuce:

2. Inhibits the aging process that occurs on the face

Often the problem of beauty that always take precedence, as well as by inhibiting premature aging or aging process on the face. It is very important for women to look beautiful and can still look young despite his age has more. This problem can be solve by consuming lettuce. Where on this vegetable has the content referred to as compound Zeaxanthin which acts as an antioxidant. It is this content which will prevent the presence of aging on the face so that it moves more slowly.

3. The content of vitamin A for the eye

Vitamin A is one of the components of good health to keep an eye on. On lettuce leaves, there are the vitamins that contain beta carotene. It is this content which acts as a guard the eyes of several risks such as cataracts, eye irritation, etc. as it known that keep the eyes it's very important especially for those who often have activities in front of the glass screen or exposed to dust. Consume these leaves can provide Babysitting from the inside so that the eyes are always fit.

4. The source of minerals in the body

Minerals found in lettuce have more minerals, such as potassium can work as an amplifier of teeth and bones. There are also iron minerals in streamline the formation of red blood cells in the body. As well as the potassium minerals with functions as components that maintain heart health and keeping the blood pressure remains in the normal state.

5. Strengthens bones

The presence of vitamin K on the leaves that makes are instrumental in the formation of a hormone known as osteotropic. This hormone serves as a deterrent presence of porous bone as well as strengthen the conditions a bone.

6. Lowering cholesterol levels

Cholesterol is one of the components obtained from the intake of food menu and drinks consumed on a daily basis, whether it be evil or good cholesterol. Consuming vegetable lettuce is capable of lowering and controlling the levels of bad cholesterol in the body. The fat content is low and it is this which makes the antioxidant benefits.

7. Cancer preventive

Lettuce has a compound called as gluconasturtin content. Where in these compounds that would later fight cancer in the body. So that it can serve as a shield from a disease that is dangerous.

8. Maintain fertility levels

The content of vitamin C and folate in it is able to provide fertility for the male and female reproductive system. Not only that, but it could also keep the fertility. That way, you can always keep your reproductive system is only by consuming lettuce.

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