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7 the Red Betel Leaves Benefits For Health and Healing

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We already know that there are 3 types of betel leaf, betel i.e. red, green, and betel nut betel black. But the most widely used to maintain health is the Red betel leaves and betel leaves green. For the efficacy of betel leaves green, we have discussed in this article.

Betel nut betel plant is a type of Red a more difficult to find than betel leaves green. The Red betel leaves are generally much planted as an ornamental plant, grown in plantations or toga. Initially the Red betel vine grows wild in the forests.

7 the Red Betel Leaves Benefits For Health and Healing 

Because of the known high nutritious, then these plants are planted by the rural community as a plant for the drug. Some of the compounds contained in the Red betel leaves are essential oil, astringent tannins, polevenolad, alkolid and kavikol. Compounds of flavonoids and polivenol are also found in the Red betel leaves are compound that can prevent cancer, also is antiseptic, antioxidant, antiflamasi, and also antideabetik. 

The benefits of Red betel leaves for its antiseptic, then the Red betel leaves has the best usability is to overcome problems related to bacteria and fungi. Here are some of the benefits and uses of betel leaves, Red:

Tighten the female organs

Most betel leaves used to wash intimate organ of femininity, and usually the women the days used to use it after they give birth.

The betel leaf could lead to sex organs be toned back after giving birth, and can cope with genital dryness.

Resolve the smell organ of femininity

For women who have stepped on their thirties, the problem of drought sex organs are already rare. But wet on the organs that often occur and can cause itching and odor. If women experience so, boil a couple of sheets of Red betel leaves and use rebusannnya aur to wipe (wash the sex organs).

Overcoming Vaginal Discharge

The benefits of Red betel leaves are the most common problem is reducing the perceived whiteness, no foul odor, as well as maintain the cleanliness of the organ of femininity. This is because one of the properties of the Red betel leaves antiseptic. How 7-10 sheet, boil the Red betel leaves, then use water to rinse the last organ stew femininity.

Eliminate body odor

Take 2 or 3 pieces of betel leaf, bring to the boil with the water 1/2 a glass, then add sugar to taste. After warm drink of water decoction of betel leaf.

Eliminating bad breath

Take the Red betel leaves are washed clean, then chew, hold a few minutes in the mouth then remove. Do this 2 or 3 times in a day. It could be by way of a boil 5 or 6 pieces of betel leaf with 2 cups of water to a boil. Leave to cool, and use as a gargle every morning and afternoon.

Diabetes drug

In addition as an antiseptic, red can also be used to treat diabetes. Drink of water decoction of Red betel leaves per day will lower your blood sugar levels to normal levels.

Inhibits the growth of cancer cells

The Red betel leaves contains compounds alkoloid, which has the same functionality with the compounds of flavonoids and polyphenols. That is also capable of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells in the human body.

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